Our most sincere wishes to her Dr. I Han
I chose to leave FCU, the great university as my longest career (so far). It’s the time to say goodbye,
right after my 10th year with you. It is the most challenging decision, just as it is now the most
challenging time for all people in Taiwan. We even haven’t got a chance to have a farewell party as our
Director Wu planned when he got my resignation notice inMarch 2021.
It is a journey for the second life right at the age of 50. Nothing has been such exciting, even with
such enormous uncertainty, during a time at a global “ground zero”. There is no rule, as the rule is
reset every day. It's like an adventure, not just to our students at their young years, but also tome and
my dear colleagues.
I am going to England soon. As a faculty of international business, I never feel the distance between
Taiwan and England such huge. It will be difficult to fly frequently as before. However, it will also be
difficult to assume anything at this moment.
Never assume anything has been what my English fiancé, Mr. PaulSherring, enlightened me. There is
always the possibility as the universe is infinite. We met each other in 2018 when we did not even want
to talk to each other, living on the other side of the planet. As an Asian, I gradually understand how
western people see us, as well as how much they appreciate our Chinese/ Asian culture/ treasures.
Without a hug, I have to say goodbye to everyone here at Department of International Business
through this letter. I wish you to transform into a healthy lifestyle in order to maintain a high energy
level. I believe the only way to survive, as doing an international business, is to find a space to co-
evolve with your enemies/ competitors. We have to find a space in the universe to coevolve with other
people/ AIs, viruses/diseases, countries/ communities. And,“Do NOT let the bastards drag you down”,
as an English saying taught. Wish us luck, and look forward to seeing you again.